Превышен лимит товаров для текущего тарифного плана

Cosmetic Red Orange

Cosmetic Red Orange


INCI Name for labeling purposes: Polyester-3, D&C Colorant(s)

Specific Ingredients for this product:

Yellow 7, CI 45350:1, CAS 2321-07-5

Orange 5, CI 45370:1, CAS 596-03-2

Red 28, CI 45410, CAS 18472-87-2

Polyester 3 Resin, CAS is proprietary

Идеально подходит для румян.

Для губ и глаз не рекомендую. 

Approved Uses:
USA:а Lip, and External, not Eye.а
EU:а All cosmetics, including Eye.

Polyester-3 (INCI name) is a film former (INCI function), all its components (monomers) are registered
in EINECS. Polyester-3 and the used cosmetic dyes are approved as raw material for all cosmetic products
in Japan.

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