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Nylon 12

Nylon 12


Краткое описание:
Сферические гранулы  Обеспечивают легкую диффузию, уменьшающую складки и морщины на коже, не забивают поры, поглощают кожное сало. Заменитель талька.

Nylon-12 Powder is white base powder with a good price point, used in making all kinds of cosmetics. It is a great substitute for Talc, and has a similar soft skin feel. It is also shown to not block skin pores the way that mica and talc can. It has great slip, moderate oil absorption. The micron size is an average of 6-9 microns and it rolls across the skin because it is formed into spherical beads (as opposed to Mica's plate like shape, as an example).

These spherical beads allows the loose powder to expand and contract along the fine lines of the skin without filling them in, giving a nice, smooth appearance. It is also hypo-allergenic. The product is made in Korea.

Цена за 1 г - 12,30 грн

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